Why Aligning Your Career with Your Interests is Important

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Young people might not always be able to know what they want to do in life when they’re first starting out. It’s worth choosing a field early, so you won’t regret your decision later on. Make sure you’re selecting the right career path by matching your interests with your job activities and responsibilities as early as possible. Here are the top reasons why matching your interests with your career is important.

Age is just a Number

It is common for people in their 40s to pivot and restart their careers.

The 30s are a time when people are making new beginnings.

The 20s are a time when many people are trying to figure out what they want to do.

The number of teenagers starts at 15 as well.

The whole thing just makes me happy, since it proves we aren’t behind each other.

In a way, it says a lot about being at your own pace and still making it.

Courage Is the key

Since most of my friends had a “settled” career at 23, I felt “I am so behind”.

two years later, I realized I wasn’t behind.

Taking advantage of the opportunity life presented to me was the best thing I could have done.

In the blink of an eye, I found the courage to do something I hadn’t done for four long years.

Move On

Nowadays, I still haven’t figured out everything.

I’m still learning each day, making mistakes, fixing things that go wrong, starting over with others, and allowing life to progress on its own course–the only problem is that I have been diligent and doing what I should do.

As for now, though, what I am happy about is that in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years time, I’ll…

In the future, I’ll be able to say I lived a full life.

If it’s true that I am what I am today because of my choices, then I can confidently say that I’ve done everything I wanted to do.

Even if my choices turn out to be right or wrong in the end, I’ll know I made them and moved on with life.

Myself 2 years ago

Today for me is for what I chose for myself 2 years ago.

The knowledge and experience that you gain cannot be taken away from you ✨

The need for bravery and resilience

As I prepared for the challenge, I doubted both my physical and mental abilities

while resilient, I also applied my strategic knowledge and experience to develop detailed scenario planning in preparation for what lay ahead. As a result, I was able to overcome my fears. My physical and mental resilience increased as I progressed to the point where I was enjoying the challenge continually striving to improve myself.

Importance of maintaining a focus on the overall objective

Maintaining a focus on the overall objective – Whenever we face difficulties, we are prone to focus only on the immediate problem, losing sight of the larger objective. Our original route was abandoned on a particularly hard day of my challenge. Due to time constraints, we also had to re-align our schedule and abandon a rest day. At first, we felt like we weren’t achieving our objectives. In reality, we managed and maintained our risks utilizing our resources in a way that meets the overall objectives completing the walk within the overall schedule is the objective.

Motivation Vs Money Or Both

In what field would you like to work?

5 year olds will have different answers to this question.

✅ Educator

✅ An astronaut

✅ Medical Devices Professional

✅ Artist in make-up

Clearly, exploring different careers while growing up is fun for them. Most people who are about to choose careers feel confused when you ask them the same question. One of the reasons for starting a career is to make money, which is one of the motivating factors.

Loss of interest

Why do we spend so much time worrying about our child’s career path while they’re in college? Better to encourage them during these years to cultivate their interests and determine a niche that will bring in money for them.

Let’s remember that, for the most part, most people are suffering from some mental health problems because they are unhappy with what they do for a living.

Lack of interest is one of the major causes of many stressful conditions.

Do you think the same?

Your Career is yours, Take it seriously

There is no one coming to save you or me.

Own your career 100 percent.

We can re-design, re-configure, or recalibrate our careers, so what’s the hold-up?

We are always hampered by two things – skill and will.

finding your passion is the first step to eliminating will power and self-motivation and self-driving to your destination.

the second step is to increase your skill level and knowledge in your field of passion.

The importance of self-care and creating “down-time”

Creating some down time during my career enabled me to focus on myself more often. Ultimately, it caused me to be mentally burned out and become depressed. However, I’m in my walking challenge and have begun experiencing a new sensation- letting my thoughts fade out and instead observing my environment and nature. This is something I have never understood when others have said they go through periods where they can’t think of anything. The reality of this sensation enabled me to conserve energy, stay in the moment and recognise it was okay to think my schedule, not the next part, comes first.

The blueprint

Get a clear understanding of the level you are hoping to reach and make time in your timeline to gradually build skills in your area of interest. Gain experience by working diligently and filling any gaps in your resume with classes or job opportunities. Become so skilled at a given subject that employers see you as an expert.

If you have a blue print, you have no chance of failing. I hope my reflections are helpful to others and would be interested to receive feedback or indeed provide assistance to any leaders who may wish to utilize either past or current leadership experiences.

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